Mel Taylor Dog Training

Puppies are Great.... aren't they?

 I would be rich if I got a £1 every time someone says to me, "I never knew it would be this hard!"  Puppies do not come programmed knowing what you expect of them. One of my Mentors (Susan Garret) has a great saying which I think really sums up a dogs behaviour. "Your dog is doing the best they can with the education you have given them, in the environment you've asked them to perform in."

If you are thinking of getting a new puppy and have not had one before or you had one ages ago and have forgotten, here is a little refresher of key realities that come with an adorable, cute bundle of fun....

  • they have no toilet control and need letting out several times a night and regularly throughout the day or you will have wee and poo on your floors
  • they are noisy when excited or upset
  • they chew on things because they are teething or they are bored and they investigate everything with their mouths and they have pin-sharp teeth!
  • they need constant supervision for quite some time 

My aim is to make this reality as easy as possible for you, but I won't kid you, it will still be hard work!  The effort you put in will be rewarded...

Puppies don't speak human

Puppies did not ask to come and live with us, they do not understand our language so we need to ensure that we take responsibility to give them the guidance and  the best quality of life they can have. We are responsible for their every need.

To have a puppy is an honour, they will give you such joy but as with children they need to be educated and guided to make the choices that you want them to make. Their love and admiration for their owner is unconditional and all they want to do is to please you.

Puppies key learning is from the age of 3 to 12 weeks so getting it right from the day they join you is so important. Invest time with the right training at this stage and reap the benefits later! So starting at home is a huge benefit. I can provide guidance for you before your puppy joins you at home so you get them off to the best possible start. This is super important for first-time dog owners as a lot of bad habits can be learned before they are old enough to attend a puppy class.

Puppy Lessons

Next Puppy Class starts on the 30th of October for 8 weeks at West Challow Village Hall 4.45 to 5.45 pm. Please message me prior to booking to ensure space is available   Book Here


If you have not had a puppy before then I strongly recommend having a few sessions before your puppy arrives because they are learning from you from the minute you pick them up so make sure you are prepared and know the basics to get you off to a good start.

.My puppy classes are limited to a Max of 4 pups, this is to ensure that you get more of my time in class and so the puppies are not overwhelmed. I use only positive reinforcement methods and am qualified with the IMDT and have also qualified as one of their Easy Peasy Puppy Instructors.

Everything is done based on play and typically the things that will be covered are key skills they will need in the big wide world including but are not limited to - Coming when called, not pulling on the lead (loose lead walking), not jumping up, settling when asked, basic behaviors like sit, down and stand, leaving things when told, not running off with things, being prepared for the vets or groomers, good visitor manners and being a happy confident family member.

.The 8-week course will fly by and you will get notes and videos after each lesson to support what you have learned so you can practice at home. There will also be a private Facebook Group where you can ask questions between lessons and post videos if you want feedback.

Class cost is £185 and will mostly be held indoors, however, if weather permits then some lessons may be held at an outside location.


Lesson Prices